autumn adoration

b2d3ab36c133b059d1c3de8e06f6a979I don’t know if it’s the cooler air we’re experiencing on the West Coast, the fact that a friend informed me that Starbucks is bringing back the Pumpkin Spice Latte very soon, or just the need to have a distraction from our wedding preparations, but whichever the reason, I felt the need to immerse myself in the impending spectacle that is Autumn.  Don’t get me wrong I love Summer just as much as everyone else – the sun, the heat, the beaches, the water, the bikinis.. it’s great.  Winter is a magical time for me too. I can’t get enough of fresh fallen snow, and Christmas is definitely my favourite holiday.  Spring… I’ve never enjoyed Spring all that much.  I think this is because I grew up in a place which had very long winters, and all Spring meant was a dirty city.  Melting, gravel filled snowbanks are not pretty.

So by far, Autumn is the most glorious season in my books.  There are so many things that I love about the season, I thought I would share some of them to keep me satisfied until September 22 (when I’m actually allowed to celebrate it).  First off, there’s the clothing – cute jackets, chunky scarves & mitts and leather boots make up my ideal outfit.  The layering of dark, neutral, earthy tones is what I long for.  Besides the clothing, Autumn comes with amazingly beautiful landscapes.  Multicoloured deciduous trees which blanket the area make for gorgeous scenes.  The cool, crisp air, spooky Halloween festivities, harvest foods, apple cider, piles of leaves, and the anticipation of the Christmas season all contribute to a very happy time of year.

welcome the weekend


No matter what your plans are for the upcoming Canada Day long weekend (or any summertime long-weekend for that matter), the above are some of my favourite items to enjoy with a little sunshine, a little road trip, a little car camping, or a little backyard patio relaxation.  I never leave the house without my aviators, and the light seaside scarf is my new favourite summertime accessory.  A cute maxi dress is a great way to stay cool in the heat, but can also be dressed up for the evening if you’re in need of one outfit that can do it all.  I have the scarf, it’s from Target and the dress is quite a bit longer on me than this girl, from Macy’s. Cheers to three days off!

SunsetScarf ◊ Inferno ◊ Bag

If you’re not sure how to spend this west-coast long weekend, I have a few historic small town suggestions for you! They are great places to go to do some window shopping, to find unique antiques, have a delicious bite to eat, and enjoy a waterfront trail whether it be ocean or river. Small towns are my favourite places to visit because they are sure to be full of local flavour, historic architecture, and unique shopping. Happy Travels!

Fort Langley, BC
Steveston, BC
Fairhaven, WA
Anacortes, WA
Gibsons, BC

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spring equinox


The Spring equinox has come and gone.  The warmth in the air and the sun on my skin has me wondering if the groundhog will prove to be correct this year in his prediction of an early spring.  It’s looking good so far.  I’m on day two of sandals instead of boots.  Many parts of the province are still experiencing negative temperatures, and waist deep snow banks so I will try not to brag too much that this weekend our temperatures are supposed to hit 20 degrees Celsius! (Knock on wood).  Below is a little snapshot of spring/summer inspiration to brighten your day, as it does mine.

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conservation, courage, and contemplation


I’m sitting here on Saturday, March 23rd. It’s 8:00pm and I’m enjoying Earth Hour. The candles are lit, popcorn is popped, books are being read all while comfy on the couch with blankets. It’s a cozy night in with my fiance, and I love it. Time to relax, cherish relationships and rekindle memories of simpler times is necessary every once in awhile. Whenever we get caught up in work, endless days that drag on or issues that never seem to go away, I recommend spending some time like this. Even if it isn’t Earth Hour, we could all benefit from using less electricity in our lives – so why not make it a monthly or even weekly occurrence? I think I’ll do it. Start with once a month spending an evening electricity free. That sounds refreshing. I feel more relaxed already

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brown paper packages tied up with strings


If you, like me, grew up watching Julie Andrews win over the hearts of the Von Trapp family through song and dance, then you also have probably always had a special place in your heart for bright copper kettles, and warm woolen mittens.  Today I received one of  ‘my favourite things’ in the mail, and just had to share how wonderfully joyful it made me.  It doesn’t matter what’s inside a brown paper package tied up with stings, it’s the simple gesture of the sender taking care to wrap and tie up an item in such a thoughtful and beautiful way, that especially in this day and age, makes all the difference.  They say presentation matters and I wholeheartedly agree.  I always try to bring a little something extra to the wrapping and packaging of gifts, and hope that it is appreciated by the receiver as much as I appreciate receiving such things. Continue reading

more . . .

I don’t know if it’s the fact that I’ve just clued in that it’s already March, or that our wedding is now 186 days away, or that I feel guilty that I didn’t set myself any New Year’s resolutions this year. To be honest I never really have. Maybe it’s because I’m not great at following through with things (but…I think I am), or because I am great at procrastination (this is true – I really am), or maybe I just simply have too many things I want to resolve to do, and I just can’t choose the most important. Continue reading

let the sunshine guide you

Today was one of the first sunny days in what seems like forever. It seemed everyone else thought so too. The streets were buzzing, windows were rolled down and sun-glass covered faces greeted me on every street corner. After so much rain we were finally treated to a much needed warm and bright day. On days such as these, when I have little to nothing planned, one of the first things I decided to do is visit one of my favourite communities – Fort Langley. Today there was so much bustle in the quaint historic village, it felt like the streets were actually alive with a pulsating energy that was being passed on to everyone who discovered its shops, dined at its eateries and wandered its sidewalks. I love these days when I can enjoy the town without anything particular on my mind. I was not looking for a birthday present for anyone, I was not in need of a meal to fill my stomach, I simply just wanted to enjoy the day.


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reading in bed

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Sunday mornings are are made for bedroom snuggles, warm cups of tea, soft pillows and good books. At least that’s how they should be enjoyed. More often than not, my weekend’s become full before they even begin and allotting time for such things just isn’t in the cards.  This Sunday I made time.  Not only because I actually had some, but also because I need to be a more diligent reader.  I love reading.  I love books.  And I love buying books.  Some may say even more than reading them, I like collecting them.  I like their hard covers, and owning full collections.  I love a full bookshelf.  I have one.  However I have not read every book on it.

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