autumn wreath d.i.y.

I put this wreath together last Fall and I loved it so much I’ve had it on my door for almost the entire year. The thing is, it was so easy to make… I should really be making one for each season.  I took a green foam wreath from the craft store, wrapped a thick ribbon around the entire thing, choose more ribbon in autumn inspired colours and then cut and tied them around the wreath. I love the mix of colours, the simplicity of the design, and the perfect roundness is lovely.




happy harvest


I spent some time in the gorgeous dusk light this evening taking photos of some of my favourite new – and old – items. We received a beautiful Hudson’s Bay Company wool blanket with the traditional coloured stripes as a wedding gift from some wonderful friends and it inspired me to style a bit of a photo shoot. As it’s also very clearly now autumn in BC, I am now ‘allowed’ to start decorating with pumpkins, another one of my favourite harvest items.  The vintage lantern I picked up at an antique store in Fort Langley a few weeks back and have been itching to make it the star in my fireplace centrepiece. The last and perhaps most useful of these items is my new apple peeler/corer/slicer that somehow makes apples ten times more delicious and desirable. Finally ‘an apple a day’ may actually be achievable. Continue reading

autumn adoration

b2d3ab36c133b059d1c3de8e06f6a979I don’t know if it’s the cooler air we’re experiencing on the West Coast, the fact that a friend informed me that Starbucks is bringing back the Pumpkin Spice Latte very soon, or just the need to have a distraction from our wedding preparations, but whichever the reason, I felt the need to immerse myself in the impending spectacle that is Autumn.  Don’t get me wrong I love Summer just as much as everyone else – the sun, the heat, the beaches, the water, the bikinis.. it’s great.  Winter is a magical time for me too. I can’t get enough of fresh fallen snow, and Christmas is definitely my favourite holiday.  Spring… I’ve never enjoyed Spring all that much.  I think this is because I grew up in a place which had very long winters, and all Spring meant was a dirty city.  Melting, gravel filled snowbanks are not pretty.

So by far, Autumn is the most glorious season in my books.  There are so many things that I love about the season, I thought I would share some of them to keep me satisfied until September 22 (when I’m actually allowed to celebrate it).  First off, there’s the clothing – cute jackets, chunky scarves & mitts and leather boots make up my ideal outfit.  The layering of dark, neutral, earthy tones is what I long for.  Besides the clothing, Autumn comes with amazingly beautiful landscapes.  Multicoloured deciduous trees which blanket the area make for gorgeous scenes.  The cool, crisp air, spooky Halloween festivities, harvest foods, apple cider, piles of leaves, and the anticipation of the Christmas season all contribute to a very happy time of year.